Hurricane Center

WSTE Hurricane Updates

It's Never too Early to Prepare

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June to November, with the peak season happening between mid-August to late October. On average there are six hurricanes, three which are categorized as “major,” each year. History provides important examples of the potentially dangerous impact hurricanes can have and the need to be prepared. Unfortunately, many of us don't begin preparing for a storm until AFTER we know that it is coming our way, but NOW is the time to prepare yourself, your family, and your community. To take action, ask youself the following questions:

  1. Do you have a plan to survive a disaster?
  2. Do you have an emergency supplies kit for your home and your car?
  3. Are your homeowners' and flood insurance policies in order?
  4. Have you planned your evacuation?
    Do you have a plan for turning off your utilities?
  5. Do you have a plan to secure the house/outdoor items/boat?
  6. Do you have copies of your insurance policies, important documents, and other valuables in a safe place?
  7. Do you have an inventory and a detailed description of your property?
  8. Has your roof been inspected in the last nine months?
  9. Have you had routine maintenance on your trees and shrubs around the house?
  10. Have you had routine maintenance done on your car and are the tires, including the spare, in good condition?
  11. Is your emergency phone list up to date?
  12. Have you made arrangements for your out-of-state communication contact?
  13. Do you have plans to address the "special needs" of family members?
  14. Have you decided what you will do with your animals?
  15. Do you have a recovery plan?
  16. Are you involved with community preparedness planning and education?
  17. Have you budgeted for the additional expenses to prepare your home, buy supplies and evacuate?

If you need any additional information or help in preparing for a hurricane, contact your local electric utility, the LSU Cooperative Extension Service or an Office of Emergency Preparedness.


Hurricane Categories

74 – 95 MPH Winds
Minimum surface pressure: higher than 980 mbar
Storm surge: 3-5 ft, 1.0-1.7 m

Some Damage

  • Potential roof damage
  • Large tree branches may snap, shallow-rooted trees may fall
  • Damage to utility poles and power lines. Outages may last few to several days

Damage primarily to shrubbery, trees, foliage, and unanchored homes. No real damage to other structures. Some damage to poorly constructed signs. Low-lying coastal roads inundated, minor pier damage, some small craft in exposed anchorage torn from moorings. Example: Hurricane Jerry (1989).

Hurricane Maps

Public Information Map

This map is intended to provide general awareness of current and recent tropical weather around the world. It is not intended to replace authoritative government websites but rather to provide situational awareness.

Hurricane Aware Map

Use this map to find information about the potential impacts of tropical storms and hurricanes in the US using Living Atlas data.